22 February 2025 11:39 PM

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Juveniles division

 Article 30 of the law regarding the organization of the Ministry of Justice issued per the legislative decree number 151 on 16/09/1983 and modified per the legislative decree number 23 on 23/03/1985 stipulates the creation of the Juveniles division :

The division for rehabilitating the delinquent juveniles :

This division is headed by an employee appointed per a decree upon the proposal of the Minister of Justice and who is selected among :

1) Individuals holding a PhD in Social Sciences.
2) An administrative employee from the 2nd category holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Law or Social or Forensic Sciences and who has practiced this job for at least three years.

The Division and its functions and competence as well as its staffing is organized per a decree prepared at the council of ministers upon the proposal of the Minister of Justice.

And as follows a list of the most important accomplishments of the division of juveniles in the last years :

- Launching a special website “Ahdath.justice.gov.lb” at the Ministry of Justice per a letter from the United Nations office for combating drugs and crime number 2371/3 on 2/11/2006.
- Participating in the regional convention convened around the topic of the justice of the juveniles from 19 to 21 June 2007.
- Participation of the Juveniles Division at the Ministry of Justice (thru the head of the Division Mrs Hala Abou Samra) in the conference of the consultative meeting for the Middle East and North Africa regarding the United Nations Study of the topic of violence against children convened in Cairo from 25 to 27 June 2007.
- The issuing of the Ministry of Justice of a study prepared by Judge Maroun Abou Jaoudeh regarding the consequences of the application of the law #422/2002 regarding the juveniles who are breaking the law or who are in danger with the help of the United Nations – The office for combating drugs and crime UNODC.
- Preparing a yearly detailed plan between the UNICEF and the Ministry of Justice.
- Issuing the circular on 18/10/2008 by the head of the Judicial Inspection committee regarding the necessity of abiding by articles 40, 31 and 33 of the law for protecting the juveniles who are breaking the law.

• And for additional information you are kindly asked to view the official website of the juveniles division : Ahdath.justice.gov.lb


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