27 March 2025 04:47 AM


Delinquent Juveniles Reform Department

The delinquent juveniles’ reform department is noticed in the legislative decree number 151 of 16/09/1983 amended by virtue of the legislative decree number 23 of 23/03/1985; However, its organization is still waiting for the issue of a decree to be taken by the Cabinet upon recommendation of the Minister of Justice.
This department practices its activities in coordination with the UN Center for Crime Fight according to the instructions of the Minister of Justice at late 1989.
An official appointed by virtue of a decree made upon the suggestion of the Minister of Justice chairs the department chosen among the following:
- The holders of a PHD in Sociology.
- Administrative official of second degree holder of a Bachelor’s Degree at Law or in sociology or in Criminology provided that he has been practicing this office since three years at least.
This service engages to take care of the juveniles’ affairs and to work out reform and preventive plans as well as to follow up their implementation in coordination with the competent courts, concerned ministries and the establishments of civil sector and other.
The cadres of the department will undertake field tours to reform institutes, the concerned civil institutions and the judicial police in order to evaluate the work process. The main tasks of this service comprehends carrying out researches and studies, publishing censuses concerning the reality of the events in Lebanon, for the delinquents or those who risk to become delinquents and the victims of physical and moral abuse.


افتتاح الموقع الالكتروني الجديد لوزارة العدل

02 June 2017


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طلب وزير العدل إجراء التعقبات

29 March 2017

 حضرة مديرة الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام السيدة لور سليمان المحترمة المكتب الإعلامي لوزير العدل عملاً بالمادة ...

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