26 March 2025 02:17 PM


Directorate of Judges and Employees Affairs

 - The Directorate of judges’ and Employees’ Affairs is noticed in the legislative decree number 151 dated 16/09/1983 and amended by the legislative decree number 23 dated 23/03/1985; however, its organization is waiting for the issue of the decree to be taken by the Cabinet upon the recommendation of the Minister of Justice.
- An administrative employee ranked director chairs the directorate of judges and Employees Affairs. This directorate handles firstly the affairs of judges, judicial assistants and employees of the Ministry of justice as well as the attorneys of state, experts, receiver in bankruptcy, controllers of precautionary composition and the affairs of the Notary Public and supervises them.
- It handles the preparation of all the drafts of decree, decisions, information related to judges and employees, and is responsible of the internal and external correspondences related to them with the Supreme Council of Justice and the council of civil service as well as the Ministry of Finance.
- Within the scope of its main tasks, the organization of the personal files of judges and employees starting from the date of their involvement in the public office and till the end of their service for any of the reasons (reaching the legal age, resignation, death …).These files deal essentially with their personal, administrative and financial situations and all the developments that occur thereto all along the years of service.


افتتاح الموقع الالكتروني الجديد لوزارة العدل

02 June 2017


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طلب وزير العدل إجراء التعقبات

29 March 2017

 حضرة مديرة الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام السيدة لور سليمان المحترمة المكتب الإعلامي لوزير العدل عملاً بالمادة ...

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