16 July 2024 05:46 AM

COURTS > Military Judicial Marshalls Back

The functions of the Military Judicial Police will be handled by:
  1. The commissioner, his assistants and the examining magistrates before the military court.
  2. Officers and noncommissioned officers who will be appointed for this purpose by the Ministry of National Defense.
  3. The officers of the Military Police, its noncommissioned officers and the heads of the police stations.
  4. Head clerk of the permanent military court by proxy of the commissioner.

All the officers of the judicial police mentioned above are submitted to the control of the cassation public prosecutor according to the provisions of the Code of Penal Procedure.


افتتاح الموقع الالكتروني الجديد لوزارة العدل

02 June 2017


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طلب وزير العدل إجراء التعقبات

29 March 2017

 حضرة مديرة الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام السيدة لور سليمان المحترمة المكتب الإعلامي لوزير العدل عملاً بالمادة ...

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